
How do I become a member?
Becoming a member is easy! Simply click the Become A Member button below and follow the instructions provided. If You prefer drop off your check at a monthly BLIA meeting. Your name may also be added to the BLIA membership directory.
How much is a membership?
Membership is currently $50/year per family (October to September). If you pay for your membership online the cost is $53.00. This additional cost covers processing fees.

How are membership fees used?
We invite all homeowners to join our association and be part of our mission. The majority of fees go towards activities associated with beautification of the lake and ensuring that the lake continues to be high enough for recreational activities. The BLIA, in partnership with the Village, is responsible for pumping water from the Missouri River into Big Lake. Together, we can make a difference!
Boasting affordable membership fees and a wide range of social activities, the BLIA provides a wonderful way to connect with your neighbors and enjoy the lake lifestyle. Fees are also used for several social events throughout the season to promote a sense of community at Big Lake, and with a community center located at 407 Lakeshore Drive, everyone can join in. Membership fees are used to pay for utilities, property taxes, and maintenance of the building and land.

When and where are meetings?
BLIA meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of the month from April through October. Breakfast/social hour is held from 8:30-9:00 am, and the meeting is held from 9:00-10:00 am.
How do I contact the BLIA?
Contacting the BLIA is easy! Simply send an email to the association using the email address provided below. A member of the board will return your email at their earliest convenience. In addition to the BLIA website, the association Facebook page is a great way to keep up to date on current events.